Practical Solutions

Alternative Toilets
Alternative toilets are toilets that do not rely on a central sewage system, and they may be a key resource in reducing sewage flow into Ma Ganga. Some of these toilets can be built with very little money and with basic materials. Click below to see about building one yourself!

Urine and Feces as Fertilizer
Though it is common practice for animal waste to be used as fertilizer, it is less common for human waste to be used. This is a waste of resources, as human waste can be an extremely effective source of nutrients for agriculture if treated correctly. This provides the double benefit of aiding in food production, as well as providing a viable alternative to potentially destructive sewage practices (such as the dumping of raw sewage into Ma Ganga). Read below to see how human waste products can be used as fertilizer!

Credit: Wudneh Ayele Shewa under a Creative Commons license from Flickr.
Greywater Reuse
Greywater reuse involves reusing water from showers, sinks, laundry, etc., and is a form of water conservation that anyone can participate in! Read below for more information on how to reuse your home's greywater.

Credit: Earthworm under a Creative Commons license from Flickr.
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is the capturing of rainfall to use as a source of water. It can be collected through buckets/barrels or more complex structures as well. Read below on ways to harvest your own rainwater!

Credit: Field Outdoor Spaces under a Creative Commons License from Flickr.
Rain Gardens
Rain gardens can be useful during heavy monsoon seasons and slow down stormwater runoff. They limit soil erosion and nourish plants at the same time.
Written by: Tehreem Qureshi, Samuel Weinstein Zimbel, and Suzanna Schofield