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River Projects in Bihar

River Projects in Bihar

Credit: Vandana Kumari

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

A program developed with the aim of expanding irrigation accessibility with the slogan “har khet ko pani” and improving the efficiency of water use- “more crop per drop.”

Conservation Optimism India

At the India Hub of Conservation Optimism, community members hope to capture the voices and stories of the diversity of people involved in the conservation space in India.

National Aquifer Mapping and Management Programme (NAQUIM)

The National Aquifer Mapping and Management Programme (NAQUIM) was implemented as part of the Ground Water Management and Regulation Scheme to accurately map and depict aquifers to plan for groundwater management and enhancement.

Written by: Suzanna Schofield


World Water Hub is a global coalition for promoting water awareness and transforming the world’s relationship to water.




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